Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Moving Home to Duri

Junior High School in Minas will be unified in Rumbai for new school year in Jul 2007.
Ivan now is in the 2nd grade of Junior High School while Risa is in 4th grade Elementary School.
For Ivan, if the school will move to Rumbai, he will have to wake up very early in the morning and go home late every afternoon. He will also need to adapt with new friends, teachers and lessons in the new school when he will be sitting in 3rd grade of Junior High School.
But there will be benefit if we still stay in Minas because Ivan can continue to learn English Class in WORLDSTAR (THAMES ENGLISH CLASS).
So the best for Ivan if all of the whole family will move to Duri in school year 2007 so Ivan could start new school in Duri. In Duri the students are a lot so the spirit to improve himself is expected high. Here is the competition among student will be expected to boost-up the learning spirit of Ivan.
Also for better health, karate sport and Piano lesson can be easier, closer in Duri.

For Risa,
Risa love to be in Duri. She needs to have a good experience in Duri so the competition climate will boost her up to study harder and harder.

The constraints will be if we want to go to Pekanbaru will take more time or once in a month.
But it will not any matter because every step we decide, we must pay the bill.
When we take annual leave, we can still do sightseeing and going to shopping mall to see and possible buy something.
At least we may safe the money for the better future.

Duri, 12 June 2007


Dudi Ritonga Family said...

Halo Oom Kin dan Tante Silvi!
Mas Ivan dan mbak Rissa udah gede ya??

Cak Kin said...

Iya, sekarang Mas Ivan kalo pake sepatu ukurannya nomer 44 lho.
mBak Risa sudah 39 lho.

Cak Kin said...

iya. Mas Ivan kalo pakai sepatu sekarang nomer 44, sedangkan mBak Risa nomer 39.
Bisa dibayangkan besarnya ?